Arabic Language Educational Books

We are publishers of books for Arabic language teaching, based on the schools curriculum in the United Kingdom. Since 2001, we have been producing more titles that aim to cover the different levels, starting with the GCSE and GCE/A-levels, through to the pre-GCSE level and some elementary titles and the new primary school programme that was launched in 2012, with more titles in 2013 and 2014, to be concluded in 2015.

Our titles are written in the UK for the UK-based student and for those following the same specification/syllabus abroad, whether in British schools, international schools or otherwise. This is why more and more schools and tutors have been replacing their teaching materials with our books. However, there are other reasons for the ever-increasing number of users of our titles: the quality of the books in both layout and printing; the quality of the accompanying or optional CDs, which are produced in professional studios using native Arabic speakers; the competitive prices and generous discounts that we give; and, perhaps more important, the great success students are achieving by using our products, which is reflected in the exceptional grades they are scoring in examinations.

Equally important is the fact that teachers, many of whom are not originally trained as Arabic language teachers, benefit immensely from our books, as they provide them with all that they need. Our books relieve them of the task of having to compile materials for the courses from numerous resources, many of which are written outside the UK for a different environment – something that students also struggle with, or find a little alien, especially when they later compare such materials with our books. This encourages us to strive to offer students what they need to get fully prepared for the examinations on the one hand, and to have good command of the Arabic language on the other, which is, of course, the primary aim.